Redux-persist failed to create sync storage. falling back to noop storage

This error message indicates that the Redux Persist library was unable to create a storage mechanism to persist the application’s state, and as a result, it is falling back to using a “noop” (no operation) storage. This means that the state will not be persisted across sessions or page refreshes. This error can occur if the browser or device does not support the storage mechanism specified in the configuration.

Alternative solution:

Yes, here are a few alternative solutions to consider if you are experiencing the “redux-persist failed to create sync storage” error:

  1. Use a different storage mechanism: If the error is caused by the browser or device not supporting the storage mechanism specified in the configuration, you can try using a different storage mechanism that is supported. For example, if you are currently using the localStorage mechanism, you can try switching to sessionStorage or a custom storage backend.
  2. Check for browser compatibility: Make sure that the browser that you are using supports the storage mechanism that you have chosen.
  3. Use a library like redux-persist-react-native-async-storage for react native app, this is specific for mobile device storage.
  4. Try to use a custom storage backend, like redux-persist-filesystem-storage, this is a good solution for storage in electron apps.
  5. Try to use a library like redux-persist-node-storage, this is a good solution for storage in nodejs apps.
  6. You can also try to use redux-persist-cookie-storage, this is a good solution for web apps.

It is also worth noting that depending on the use case, it may be acceptable to not persist the state at all, and instead rely on the user manually refreshing the page or signing back in to restore the state.

Example for redux-persist-react-native-async-storage

Here is an example of how to use redux-persist-react-native-async-storage to persist the state of a Redux store in a React Native application:

  • Install the library by running npm install --save redux-persist-react-native-async-storage or yarn add redux-persist-react-native-async-storage
  • Import the persistStore and createAsyncStorage functions from the library in your store.js file:
  • import { persistStore, createAsyncStorage } from 'redux-persist-react-native-async-storage';
  • In the same file, configure the persistStore function to use the createAsyncStorage storage engine and pass it your store:
  • const persistor = persistStore(store, { storage: createAsyncStorage });
  • In your root component, wrap your <App /> component with the PersistGate component from the redux-persist library:
  • import { PersistGate } from 'redux-persist/integration/react';
    class Root extends React.Component {
      render() {
        return (
          <Provider store={store}>
            <PersistGate loading={null} persistor={persistor}>
              <App />
  • Now the state of your store will be automatically persisted using AsyncStorage on the device and restored on app launch.

Please note that you need to import the dependencies like redux, react-redux and redux-persist in addition to the above imports. Also, make sure that you are not using any other storage engine redux-persist in the application.